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Tenses Bootcamp

147.00 USD

About Tenses Bootcamp

LIVE 7-week course

Saturday, 25 January – Friday, 14 March 2025

By the end of the course, you will have activated all 17 English tenses and greatly boosted your overall fluency as well.


To simultaneously:

  • improve your passive knowledge of all 17 English tenses;
  • activate them through intensive oral drills so you can use them reflexively when you speak and write;
  • improve your overall spoken fluency.


  • Each Saturday, we study 2-3 tenses in detail in our LIVE Lesson.
  • You then practise those tenses intensively for the next 5 days, using the downloadable audio exercises that become available after the lesson.
  • On Friday, we get together for a LIVE Workshop to review and practise that week’s material before the next LIVE Lesson.
  • In the next LIVE Saturday Lesson, we build on the previous week’s tenses by adding 2-3 new ones until we have studied and activated all 17 tenses.

Times of LIVE sessions

  • Saturdays: 4 - 5 p.m. London (You can watch the replay if you can’t attend the session live)
  • Fridays: 12 – 1 p.m. London (We may adjust this time if an earlier or later time suits everyone better)

Frequently Asked Questions

How is the Bootcamp different from Anglo-link’s online course?

Anglo-Link’s online course is a teacher-supported, self-study, self-paced course covering many topics. By contrast, this course is:

  • LIVE (100% teacher-guided)
  • Focused on one main topic (tenses)
  • Fast-paced and intensive (7 weeks)

How will this course improve my overall fluency?

Although our focus will be on tenses, you will also review and activate a lot of daily vocabulary as well as other areas of grammar, e.g. word order, articles, prepositions, and gerunds. And as the course contains a lot of audio material, your listening skills and pronunciation will get a big boost as well.

What level must I have to join this course?

B1 (Intermediate) and above

What else is included in the course?

  • Additional lessons and exercises in Anglo-Link’s online course
  • Private WhatsApp group to post your questions for me and to connect with your peers.

What if I can't come to a LIVE session?

The Saturday Lessons and Quizzes are recorded and shared with you a few hours after each LIVE lesson.
If you can’t come to the Friday Workshops, we can look for a ‘study buddy’ who you can team up with at a time that suits both of you.


How long do I have to study every day for optimum results?

30-60 minutes a day between the Saturday Lesson and the Friday Workshop.

It is important that you do some listening and speaking practice every day, even if some days it’s less than 30 minutes. As the exercises are all downloadable audios, you can also combine your practice with other activities, e.g. driving or cooking.

Will there be any teacher support outside of the LIVE sessions?

Yes, if you have questions, you can message Minoo anytime on the Bootcamp’s private WhatsApp page.

Are there any teacher-corrected tests?

Yes, there are two full written tests: One mid-course (after Week 4) and one end-of-course (after Week 7).

Will I have permanent access to the course material?

Yes, all the material is downloadable for permanent access. This will allow you to continue practising and further improving your fluency after the Bootcamp ends.

What if I start the course and find it too easy or too difficult?

We offer a 14-day money-back guarantee. So, if you start and decide the course is not right for you, you will get a full refund, no questions asked.

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